
Posts Tagged ‘meaningless drivel’

A Six Month Synopsis of Useless Numbers

In Training on July 2, 2010 at 6:47 pm

I’m keeping track of my mileage this year. Never done it before but it struck me late last year that I had no idea how much I was riding and I was kinda curious. That curiousity coincided with my wife gifting me an iphone for Christmas and, of course, I went shopping for cycling applications and purchased Cyclemeter based on the fact it had such high reviews.

And it’ll document your mileage.

So anyway…

January – 342.22 miles (weak)

February – 232.24 miles (weaker)

March – 626.49 miles (who can resist Austin in the springtime)

April – 358.58 miles (uhhh… resisted Austin in the springtime)

May – 445.47 miles (eh)

June – 510.03 miles (that’s a little better)

Half way there for a grand total of:

2515.02 miles.

So. There you have it. Stay tuned for further adventures of meaningless numbers.